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About me

Hi, I am Keita, why did I decide to become a female personal trainer? Well, fitness has always been a passion of mine from a young age and continued to be my go-to throughout my adult life, it has helped me when dealing with life's struggles and I loved the fact that I was in control of shaping my body.

 I became a mum at 30 to my first born followed by my second born 3 years later, both by c-section. Being a mum let's be honest is the most rewarding job ever, but it’s also tough going and I believe the world seems to think us women are born to be superheroes!! Let’s face it we give birth and after a couple of weeks of recovery we are not only caring for the most precious gift (which is a complete shell shock no matter how many books we have read) but we also have partners to look after, careers to uphold, a household to run, a million and one jobs to do, and then be able to deal with anything else life throws at us even before we think about doing anything for ourselves. So, what happens to us women? We lose ourselves, lose our confidence and our bodies are almost unrecognisable, and we become “mum” not Keita, not Katie, Sarah, Jessica etc just 'Mum' and as much as none of us would change this for the world at some point you are going to want to find yourself again, have a purpose outside of being a mum as one day our precious babies won't need us as much anymore. Then if that’s not sad enough life shoves another curveball at us ladies…. menopause!!!   

So, what's my mission? To help you find yourself, to give you a safe space to vent, to give dedicated ‘you’ time, to help you to become fitter, stronger and leaner, to help improve those pesky menopause symptoms, to be able to keep up with those grandchildren, whatever your reason/goal I will be right beside you and will design a training programme to help you achieve your goals. 

Now, I know how stepping into a gym can be intimidating and scary, but I want to assure you that you won't feel like this when you step into my gym with me. I can ensure you that you will enjoy your sessions, there will be fun and laughter in the process of achieving your goals and each time you walk away from our sessions you'll be looking forward to the next!!

 I want to empower you to be the best version of you yet, whatever your age, fitness background or circumstances. You’ve got this and I've got you!

Gradient Strip


Level 2 Gym Instructing 

Level 3 Personal Training

Level 4 Nutrition for weight management and sports performance

CPD Kettlebell training

CPD Medicine Ball training

CPD Body weight training

CPD Advance Training Systems

REPS approved and CIMSPA Endorsed

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